Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

Red, as in Little Red Riding hood, has been an enforcer of the law for years. Hunting down tales who get a little out of hand is just one of the ways Red spends her day. That is until Death comes knocking with a case that will either make or break red. Forced to take on a partner Red finds herself in the all too familiar situation of fight or flight. Now she will have to face her past and secrets that have been kept from her for decades; no longer able to run she will have to find the courage to face the big bad wolf.

Detective Grimm is all too comfortable with death, probably because it’s what he does for a living. He has spent generations bringing the dead home as one of many Grimm Reapers, and now after decades of watching from a far he finally gets the chance to do what he has been aching to do for decades. Having her in his arms is all he could dream of, and now when his dream is standing right in front of him, he must find a way to tell her the truth without losing her forever.

I believe it is the differences between these two characters that make them. Red with her stubbornness and short fuse mixed with Death and his unbelievable patience makes for (in my opinion) the perfect pair. She struggles most of the way, frustrated because she can’t seem to figure Grimm out, but also intrigued and dying to know more….no pun intended. Then you have Grimm, who has waited patiently for so long to tell her how he feels, to be close to her, and tell all the secrets he has been keeping from her.

I really enjoyed the love story behind this and felt as if I could relate one hundred percent; but the story line itself really takes the cake. I do believe had the author used regular characters it might not have been as interesting; but it’s the fact that you get storybook characters working real time jobs that makes for a very interesting murder investigation and an even more interesting love story.

Guest Reviewed by Dani for Cocktails and Books.

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  • 9 August, 2012: Reviewed