Firewalker by Josephine Angelini

Firewalker (Worldwalker Trilogy, #2)

by Josephine Angelini

Witches do not die quietly

Firewalker - the follow-up to Trial By Fire - is another sexy, fast-paced thrill ride from internationally bestselling author of the Starcrossed series, Josephine Angelini.

Lily Proctor has made it back to her own universe, and it's finally time for her and Rowan to be happy and relax. True, she almost died in the Pyre that fueled their escape, and they must hide her new magic for the safety of the world, but compared to fighting the monstrous Woven and leading armies in the alternate Salem, life is looking good.

Unfortunately, Lillian, ruthless ruler of the thirteen...

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Reviewed by ladygrey on

2.5 of 5 stars

This is a bit of a difficult review to write because I read all three books in the trilogy in basically two days (reread 1 and jumped right into 2 and 3). So it's a lot easier to think of the story as a whole rather than individual books.

Which is to Angelini's credit that the trilogy fuses together and connects well enough to really be one large story.

That being said, 2 wasn't what I expected at all after I read Trial by Fire the first time. (show spoiler) It was a little more serious when I wanted it to be a little more fun.

What I did like were the moments with Lillian. (show spoiler)

And that ending! I put the second book down and picked the third one up right away so things kind of blend together. I didn't believe it for the longest time. Because this is fantasy that is... drastic. For the longest time I kept waiting for it to be undone. Which, I mean, what she was going for totally worked. But then the third book changes everything and I wasn't upset so much by what happened as by how I felt about it. Which also, good for Angelini for pulling that off. But it all just kind of sucked.

The overall problem, for me, with this book is that while there were some lines I definitely liked (but can't remember now) there were no moments that really shined and captured my attention. It was just another piece of the story I needed to find out what happened.

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  • Started reading
  • 7 June, 2018: Finished reading
  • 7 June, 2018: Reviewed