Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

4 of 5 stars


Yes! Who here doesn't love Big Hero 6? The movie was endearing, and the comics (plus manga) have been such a blast to read. Naturally, that meant I didn't hesitate to give Big Hero 6: The Series, Vol. 1, written by Hong Gyun An, a try.

From the description, Big Hero 6: The Series, Vol. 1 is based on the animated movie (which I adore) and is more or less designed to roll right into the animated series (which I have not tried, but really should!). I love it when I can find books/comics that help bridge the gap between movies, shows, etc. So I went into this read expecting a lot of fun.

I wasn't disappointed. This was a fun collection of adventures featuring some of my favorite characters. However, I did look into it a bit further, and it turns out that Big Hero 6: The Series, Vol. 1 is actually based on a few of the episodes – which explains why the plot is new to me. I'm not sure if a fan that has seen the shows would appreciate it as much as I did, as it is likely covering a lot of the same material.

On the bright side, that same material contains some great moments, and once again: a great cast. Sorry to keep bringing that point up, but I absolutely adore Baymax, Hiro, Gogo, Wasabi, Honey Lemon, and Fred. On that note, I've really got to take some time to watch the show, if my reaction to this was any indication.

Thanks to JY and #NetGalley for making this book available for review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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  • 3 September, 2021: Finished reading
  • 3 September, 2021: Reviewed