The Crowfield Demon by Pat Walsh

The Crowfield Demon

by Pat Walsh

It is March 1348. Evil lurks in Crowfield Abbey and the building
is starting to collapse. Fay creatures have fled the surrounding
forest in terror.

Repairs begin and William is given the job of lifting floor tiles
in a haunted side chapel. There he finds a box from an earlier pagan
time containing a small wooden bowl, covered with strange warnings
and symbols.

The bowl is cursed and a hideous demon is unleashed that will wreak
unspeakable havoc within the Abbey's walls. Can Will and his friends
summon help in time or is it the end of Crowfield forever?

The second book in the Crowfield series.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

4 of 5 stars

I was a bit apprenshive about this. Second books are often not as good as the first and while this had it's moments it came close.

Will is still living at Crowfield Abbey with his friends, still being treated badly. A crack appears in the chapel and they discover that the chapel is disintegrating and dangerous. While clearing the chapel they discover a wooden bowl with warnings written on it. The monks ignore the warnings but Will knows he can't. There's something evil underfoot and he will have to help to defeat it.

It was a very good read, this series is excellent and the historical detail is quite interesting. I would recommend.

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  • Started reading
  • 25 October, 2012: Finished reading
  • 25 October, 2012: Reviewed