The Damage by Caitlin Wahrer

The Damage

by Caitlin Wahrer

“A rollercoaster of terror, marked by whip-fast twists and turns.”—The New York Times
“Pulled me in from the first page... Put this one high on your summer list.”—Stephen King
When a small-town family is pushed to the brink, how far will they go to protect one of their own? An edgy, propulsive read about what we will do in the name of love and blood

Tony has always looked out for his younger brother, Nick. So when he's called to a hospital bed where Nick is lying battered and bruised after a violent sexual assault, his protective instincts flare, and a white-hot rage begins to build.

As a small-town New England lawyer, Tony's wife, Julia, has cases involving kids all the time. When Detective Rice gets assigned to this one, Julia feels they're in good hands. Especially because she senses that Rice, too, understands how things can quickly get complicated. Very complicated.

After all, one moment Nick was having a drink with a handsome stranger; the next, he was at the center of an investigation threatening to tear not only him, but his entire family, apart. And now his attacker, out on bail, is disputing Nick's version of what happened.

As Julia tries to help her brother-in-law, she sees Tony's desire for revenge, to fix things for Nick, getting out of control. Tony is starting to scare her. And before long, she finds herself asking: does she really know what her husband is capable of? Or of what she herself is?

Exploring elements of doubt, tragedy, suspense, and justice, The Damage is an all-consuming read that marks the explosive debut of an extraordinary new writer.

Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

4 of 5 stars


Caitlin Wahrer's debut novel, The Damage, cuts to the quick, blending drama, human nature, grief, and thriller elements into one. This novel takes a familiar subject within the world of thrillers and forces readers to look at it through a new lens.

One small family's world is about to be permanently altered after one horrible night. The nightmare continues to live on as they learn to cope with the trauma while fighting for justice and peace.

All Nick wants is to find a way to make peace with what happened. Meanwhile, his brother, Tony, is desperate to find a way to make things right. That's what he does – he's a fixer. And that is precisely why his wife, Julia, has a particular concern for what is to come.

“It was the cookie-cutter morning-show template of overcovered local news split up by segments on recipes and shelter pets.”

The Damage is certainly a title that earned its name! This novel looks at the many layers of grief – how one entire family can suffer from the events that happened to a single member. It was heartbreaking and so human all at once.

The events in The Damage hit hard, as I'm sure Caitlin Wahrer intended. What I loved the most about this novel is how human each and every character felt. They had hopes, dreams, and most importantly: flaws. It made what happened to and around them feel all the more real. Which naturally added quite a lot to the impact of the story.

That alone would have been enough to make me appreciate this novel. Throw in Caitlin Wahrer's writing style (detailed, emotive, and compelling) and the many twists and surprises, and it's really no wonder I found myself enjoy this book immensely. I'm adding Wahrer to my list of must-read thriller authors.

Read more reviews over at Quirky Cat's Fat Stacks>

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  • 2 August, 2021: Finished reading
  • 2 August, 2021: Reviewed