Reviewed by Canadian Girl Book Blog on

5 of 5 stars


Drew is a former Marine who is getting adjusted to civilian life and has realized that he wants what his best friends have, a family. Gemma is Maddie, Rory and Jess' daughter's pre-school teacher and is smitten with Drew when she meets him. After Jess sets them up on a blind date, things take off between them until Drew finds out that Gemma is ten years younger than him and he starts to second guess everything and needs to figure out if she is worth the chance or not.




I fell in love with Drew in Worth the Risk and could not wait for his book and Lissanne Jones did not disappoint with Worth the Chance. I felt for Drew through the book with his struggles with adjusting to civilian life, fell in love with him even more and thought Gemma was perfect for him. The chemistry and dirty talk between Drew and Gemma is beyond steamy and melts the pages. I love this group of friends and this series and hope that one day we will return to them for an update.

*ARC was generously provided in exchange for my honest review*





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  • 1 June, 2020: Finished reading
  • 1 June, 2020: Reviewed