I'm pretty disappointed. I feel like this series just slowly went downhill. I had two main problems with this final book:
First: It did not need to be 600+ pages. So much of it was just people running around, not knowing what's going on, or doing things that ultimately didn't even feel that important. I'm pretty confident this book could have been cut in half.
Second: The actual ending was disappointing. I feel like there were all these massive ideas throughout the story (gods and such) and then it all just ended quite abruptly. We never got the big explanations or clarity that I had expected. It still felt like there were plenty of loose ends and unanswered questions. I certainly didn't feel satisfied. It was a big like, “I struggled through 650 pages for this..?”
My favourite chapters by far were Gwenna's and the Kettral in general. I think the Kettral were what made me fall in love with the first book, and those elements remained my favourite. I wish the story had focused solely on them.