Reviewed by Angie on

4 of 5 stars


Barbarian's Bride is so freaking cute! It's another flashback book, and definitely my favorite of those. This time we're catching up with Nora and Dagesh who were the first to resonate after Vektal and Georgia. When the story starts, Nora is heavily pregnant with their third kit, and their twins are dying to know their parents' resonance story. Dagesh agrees to tell them the clean version, but we get the dirty version!

I had completely forgotten that Nora is the kinky one! And of course she gets paired off with gentle Dagesh. Actually, all of the men are gentle with their mates and the thought of hurting them is absolutely appalling and worrisome. Which sucks for Nora who likes it rough! Dagesh can tell she's unhappy about something and mistakenly thinks that it's because they didn't have a mating ceremony. He's so sweet and learns all about Jewish weddings, and all Nora wants is to be spanked! Barbarian's Bride just made me smile throughout.

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Reading updates

  • 14 February, 2021: Started reading
  • 14 February, 2021: Finished reading
  • 17 July, 2021: Reviewed