Giant Dance Party by Betsy Bird

Giant Dance Party

by Betsy Bird

Six-year-old Lexy Tanz loves dancing so much that she wants to share her skills with others, and when she is becoming discouraged because no one wants lessons from a girl so small, a herd of hairy giants arrives to test her teaching ability.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

4 of 5 stars

Several months ago, before I even know about [b:Giant Dance Party|14758671|Giant Dance Party|Betsy Bird||20407850] to be released I became a fan of [a:Betsy Bird|6153585|Betsy Bird|]. I read her reviews on goodreads as I was often posting my own of a similar book and found that I often agreed with her opinions and came to trust her judgment on others I had yet to read as her words were gold. When I did find out about a picture book for children from this librarian I already respected in words on the page I was excited.

Giant Dance Party is fun. It's witty and laughable and definitely worthy to read aloud. I know girls, especially dancers will love it, but even boys can get a giggle worthy fit out of the dancing blue giants. They have all sorts of dance methods that will surely provide humor for the adult readers as well. All in all it's funny and fun. Lots of fun.

*Thanks to HC for providing an ARC for review.*


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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 21 April, 2013: Finished reading
  • 21 April, 2013: Reviewed