Disney Manga: Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas - The Collector's Edition by Jun Asuka

Disney Manga: Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas - The Collector's Edition

by Jun Asuka

Manga publishing pioneer TOKYOPOP presents a special collector's adaptation of the perennial Disney Tim Burton favorite -Nightmare Before Christmas-...

Reviewed by Eve1972 on

3 of 5 stars


This is going to be a REALLY short review because this book only had 24 pages in it??

I'm not sure if there was a problem with my copy (though checking out other reviews it seems everyone only got 24 pages) or if this was just suppose to be a sample (if so NetGalley should have included that info IMO)

In anycase, I really enjoyed the small sample I got of this little book. I'm not a HUGE fan of Manga, but I am a HUGE fan of THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS, so I figured "what the heck"

The drawings were nice (black and white) and the story seemed to be OK. I mean it is hard to recommend something when you only get a few pages...sigh.

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  • Started reading
  • 14 October, 2016: Finished reading
  • 14 October, 2016: Reviewed