The 13th Day of Christmas by Jason F. Wright

The 13th Day of Christmas

by Jason F. Wright

When eight-year-old Charlee and ninety-year-old Marva are both diagnosed with cancer, the prospects of having a merry Christmas seem bleak. That is, until a series of letters and gifts that coincide with the 12 days of Christmas begin appearing. And the last letter--for the 13th day of Christmas--might just be the most important one of all.

Reviewed by sstaley on

5 of 5 stars

If you have never read any of Jason Wright's books you are in for a treat. His books will always leave you with a good feeling and some life lesson learned. This life lesson will enhance your life for the better. The 13th Day of Christmas follows this same pattern as the other books written by Jason; such as The Christmas Jars, The Wednesday Letters, and The Cross Gardener.

The 13th Day of Christmas has two of the most memorable characters that I have "met" in a long time. Miss Marva, the older lively widow, and sweet nine year old Charlee. These two unlikely friends soon become the world to each other.With Charlee's family having fallen on hard times, Marva turns her loneliness into taking care of this family. When Charlee becomes ill, Marva is there to lift up Charlee's family and give hope to Charlee. This novel is centered around the holidays and Miss Marva's Christmas tradition of using her advent calendar through the 26th of December. With Charlee in the hospital, someone soon is sending her notes and presents doing The 12 Days of Christmas tradition. This story has so much reality interlaced in it's pages your heart will hurt for the characters; job loss, death of a child, loss of a spouse, cancer and marital problems. With Jason's unique writing style that brings his characters to life, you will be wrapped up in Charlee's fight to live and Marva's intensity to give of herself and her love for this young girl. Be prepared to shed a few tears before you read the last page of this book.

The 13th Day of Christmas will become a new favorite classic read during the Christmas season and beyond. With the message that we should not only celebrate Jesus Christ's life one day a year, but to celebrate his life by also living like him the other 364 days; this will stay in your heart for a long time. Thank you Jason for another heart warming book!

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  • 8 November, 2012: Finished reading
  • 8 November, 2012: Reviewed