The Duke Who Didn't by Courtney Milan

The Duke Who Didn't (Wedgeford Trials, #1)

by Courtney Milan

Miss Chloe Fong has plans for her life, lists for her days, and absolutely no time for nonsense. Three years ago, she told her childhood sweetheart that he could talk to her once he planned to be serious. He disappeared that very night.

Except now he’s back. Jeremy Wentworth, the Duke of Lansing, has returned to the tiny village he once visited with the hope of wooing Chloe. In his defense, it took him years of attempting to be serious to realize that the endeavor was incompatible with his personality.

All he has to do is convince Chloe to make room for a mischievous trickster in her life, then disclose that in all the years they’ve known each other, he’s failed to mention his real name, his title… and the minor fact that he owns her entire village.

Only one thing can go wrong: Everything.

Reviewed by Angie on

4 of 5 stars


Proceed With Caution:

This book does contain racism and discussion of death.

The Basics:

Jeremy and Chloe have known each other since they were kids, but now they are full grown and Jeremy is ready to ask Chloe to marry him. Except Chloe is busy building her sauce business, and she doesn't trust Jeremy to stay in town, since he always leaves. Can he convince her that he's serious about her?

My Thoughts:

The Duke Who Didn't was absolute adorable. I loved Jeremy and Chloe from the very beginning. She is an obsessive list maker, overachiever, and trying to do all of the things all of the time. He is the secret duke of Chloe's hometown and the resident jokester. They spend about a week together every year when the Wedgeford Trials are happening, but then he's gone until the next year. But this year is different. Jeremy is looking for a wife, and he needs Chloe to write down the list of his ideal wife's qualities. Funny enough, his lady on paper sounds a lot like Chloe...

Courtney Milan's Romances always have something unique that you won't find in many others (or any really). In the case of The Duke Who Didn't, we get two Chinese main characters and a special sauce business! And the best part is, they're not token Asians. Wedgeford has several Asian families, so the two don't stick out too badly. Well, Jeremy is the only half-Chinese duke, who's trying to keep his title on the down-low so he can hang out with the woman of his dreams. Helping her bottle sauce and sell bao to the neighbors.

The Duke Who Didn't was just a delightful read. I loved Chloe's lists! I loved Jeremy's teasing and trying to prove himself to Chloe! Their first time scene was freaking adorable and not what I was expecting at all! The ending was super cheesy but it absolutely works and I had a giant smile on my face. It's just so cute.

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  • 1 May, 2021: Started reading
  • 1 May, 2021: on page 0 out of 352 0%
  • 1 May, 2021: Finished reading
  • 8 May, 2021: Reviewed