Reviewed by Angie on

4 of 5 stars


She Drives Me Crazy is chock-full of nearly every teen movie cliche ever written and it works! It's actually extremely self-aware, with the characters mentioning how this is "real life" and not some '80s film. It's just a whole lot of fun and happiness! Plus, fake dating is my all-time favorite Romance trope and it works especially well here. Scottie is on the basketball team, but no one comes to see them. At least until she gets into a minor car accident with head cheerleader, Irene, and starts carpooling. Now Irene shows up to practice with her squad in tow and the girls finally have someone to put on a show for. Thus giving Scottie a genius idea...

There's actually a lot going on in She Drives Me Crazy, but it was never too much or disjointed. We've got Scottie trying to make her ex-girlfriend jealous by dating Irene. She's also trying to boost morale of the girls' basketball team by having the cheerleaders show up to their games instead of just pretending they don't exist. Of course, there's also the budding real relationship between Irene and Scottie. Irene also has her own issues going on, which I very much enjoyed, and I loved how she would call Scottie out on her crap, particularly for making assumptions about her. Also acknowledging cheerleading as a real sport. Lots of good stuff! Oh, and Scottie's family is absolutely adorable. As is Irene's BFF, Honey Belle whom I could not get enough of!

Honestly, She Drives Me Crazy is adorable fluffy goodness. There's drama, but it's not like...dramatic. Nothing is over-the-top, except maybe the uber cheesy ending, but it was suppose to be! And it works! It's just a feel good read.

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Reading updates

  • 22 April, 2021: Started reading
  • 22 April, 2021: on page 0 out of 304 0%
  • 22 April, 2021: Finished reading
  • 23 April, 2021: Reviewed