Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

3.5 Stars

This was an interesting story. Allie is off to New Orleans to spend the summer working in her father's hotel before heading off to Princeton in the fall. When she gets there, she meets Levi who infuriates her, confuses her and attracts her all at the same time. But he's more than what she thinks and now that he's set his sights on her, Allie gets introduced to a world she knew nothing about.

Allie is hard girl to warm up to, as a reader, but there's a reason she's the way she is. She's very regimented and every facet of her life must fit into the neat little box she has for it. When things don't fit into the box, she walks away (exhibit A: ex-boyfriend Toby who she didn't shed a tear over). But her world is turned upside down when she meets Levi. She's her normal standoffish self with Levi, but he doesn't get turned off by her. His continued pursuit helps break down some of Allie's walls, which leads to her enjoying life a bit more. But her relationship with Levi comes at a cost. One I'm not sure she'd be willing to pay if she knew then what she knows now (cryptic, huh?).

Levi is Pteron, which is a crow/human hybrid and also at the top of the supernatural food chain. While he understands what his pursuit of Allie means, he purposefully leaves Allie in the dark and deflects any questions she might ask about his supernaturalness. In the end, it's Levi's lack of information sharing that leads to Allie being captured as a pawn in the power play between the underling supernaturals and the Pteron's.

I enjoyed the story and even the almost hostile "courting" between Levi and Allie. And while Allie was really hard to connect with, in the end I completely understood why she was doing what she was doing and supported her as she put Levi in his place.

A great start to the series and looking forward to see what's next in the Crescent Chronicles.

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  • Started reading
  • 13 August, 2012: Finished reading
  • 13 August, 2012: Reviewed