A Fistful of Charms by Kim Harrison

A Fistful of Charms (Hollows, #4) (Rachel Morgan, #4)

by Kim Harrison

The fourth book in the New York Times bestselling urban fantasy-thriller series starring sexy bounty hunter and witch, Rachel Morgan. There's no rest for the wicked, even when the taint on your soul isn't your fault. It would be wise for witch and bounty hunter, Rachel Morgan, to keep a low profile right now. Her new reputation for the dark arts has piqued the interest of Cincinnati's night-prowlers, who despise her and long to bring an end to her interference, one way or another. Nevertheless, Rachel must risk exposure. Her ex-boyfriend, Nick, has stolen a priceless Were artefact, and,...Read more

Reviewed by Linda on

4 of 5 stars

This and all my other reviews are originally posted on my blog (un)Conventional Bookviews

A Fistful of Charms is filled with action, just as the prior books in the Hollows series are. Most of the action happens away from Cincy, though, and it was nice to have a change of scenery. When Jenks shows up in panic, because Jax is missing after leaving with Nick, Rachel puts things in motion to save both of them - even if Nick never called her back or truly broke up with her.

There are even more sub-plots in A Fistful of Charms than before! Rachel is challenged as David's alpha, she uses more magic to transform people, but this time she does it without her earth-charms to make things happen faster - and thus, she has to take the black for her soul that comes with it. Ceri helps her with her magic, and both Rachel and Ceri always has an excuse handy to feel better about using demon magic rather than completely white magic.

It is difficult to write a proper review about A Fistful of Charms without spoiling it, but I am dong my best! There are, however, spoilers from previous books in the series - if not, I wouldn't have much to say at all. The story is very fast-paced, a lot of things are going on, and all the side-characters become a little more important as the readers get to know them better.

The humor is ever-present, and I love how Rachel sees Jenks completely differently in A Fistful of Charms, how she realizes that he truly is a man, that he is strong, and that he sure has a mind of his own. Their adventures away from home, first finding Jax, then trying to find Nick, are very exciting. They don't have the usual suspects around, and they don't have all of their usual allies either. Rachel shows once again that she isn't afraid of a challenge that seems to be impossible to overcome, and she fights until the very end. The few people she decides to trust on her quest turn out to be very helpful, and her little banter with Marshal is really funny! Rachel needs his help to get to the island where she and Jenks think Nick is being held, and he comes through for her without too much trouble.

Rachel continues to be extremely inventive to make sure her run goes the way she wants it to go, and it's awesome to see her in a hostile environment, with her backup being different from usual, and actually saving Nick after all the heartache he put her through. Ivy shows up to help, and they set up an elaborate but very quick plan to make sure the were-packs from out of town will leave Nick alone after all is said and done. At the same time, Rachel knows there is not way she can trust him anymore, and it appears she is right in her assessment of him and the lengths he will go to make sure he, himself, is safe.

Kist and Rachel continue their romance, and I really enjoy Kist a lot! He is dangerous, is not shy about it, and still tries to play by Rachel's rules. He is so good for her, and she is very good for him as well. Ivy and Rachel take their own relationship to the next level, and it almost ends in disaster! They will have a lot of things to talk about for the future, though, but they are all OK when the book ends - even if there are several loose ends when it comes to the ting they are hiding from the were-pack, and what Rachel thinks is the best way to deal with it. Finally, it seems as if Rachel will have some quiet time, and that she will be happy for once.

- only one quote - I was too busy reading to highlight much in A Fistful of Charms

I lay curled up on the cot, my head on the clean smell of the borrowed hotel pillow, and my shoulders covered by the thin car blanket. I wasn't crying. I was not crying. Tears were leaking out as I waited for the ugly feelings to fade, but I wasn't crying, damn it!

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  • 21 July, 2013: Finished reading
  • 21 July, 2013: Reviewed