The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison

The Goblin Emperor (The Goblin Emperor, #1)

by Katherine Addison

The youngest, half-goblin son of the Emperor has lived his entire life in exile, distant from the Imperial Court and the deadly intrigue that suffuses it. But when his father and three sons in line for the throne are killed in an "accident," he has no choice but to take his place as the only surviving rightful heir.

Entirely unschooled in the art of court politics, he has no friends, no advisors, and the sure knowledge that whoever assassinated his father and brothers could make an attempt on his life at any moment.

Surrounded by sycophants eager to curry favour with the naive new emperor, and overwhelmed by the burdens of his new life, he can trust nobody. Amid the swirl of plots to depose him, offers of arranged marriages, and the spectre of the unknown conspirators who lurk in the shadows, he must quickly adjust to life as the Goblin Emperor. All the while, he is alone, and trying to find even a single friend...and hoping for the possibility of romance, yet also vigilant against the unseen enemies that threaten him, lest he lose his throne — or his life.

Reviewed by Ashley on


Well that was disappointing. I only made it 24 pages before I had to stop.

I thought this book was going to be a guaranteed great read. It gets amazing reviews and it's constantly recommended on /r/Fantasy. Objectively it was exactly what I wanted: court intrigue, standalone, ruling a kingdom, bit of a murder mystery… It sounded AMAZING!

What no one seemed to mention was the writing. I saw this on page one and was immediately concerned:

“Get thy clothes on.”

Thy, thyself, thou, canst, the royal we.

I just couldn't do it. I couldn't stand the dialogue at all. It was way too jarring.

I would have liked to have given the book more of a chance, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Just not for me.

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Reading updates

  • 9 April, 2021: Started reading
  • 9 April, 2021: on page 0 out of 432 0%
  • 10 April, 2021: on page 24 out of 432 5%
  • 9 April, 2021: Finished reading
  • 10 April, 2021: Reviewed