Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen

Water for Elephants

by Sara Gruen

When Jacob Jankowski, recently orphaned and suddenly adrift, jumps onto a passing train, he enters a world of freaks, grifters, and misfits -- the Benzini Brothers Most Spectacular Show on Earth -- a second-rate travelling circus struggling to survive during the Great Depression, making one-night stands in town after endless town. Jacob, a veterinary student who almost earned his degree, is put in charge of caring for the circus menagerie. It is there that he meets Marlena, the beautiful young star of the equestrian act, who is married to August, the charismatic but twisted animal trainer. He also meets Rosie, an elephant who seems untrainable until he discovers a way to reach her. WATER FOR ELEPHANTS is illuminated by a wonderful sense of time and place. It tells a story of a love between two people that overcomes incredible odds in a world in which even love is a luxury that few can afford.

Reviewed by Angie on

4 of 5 stars

Water for Elephants is a book that I probably wouldn’t have picked up if I hadn’t seen–and loved–the movie adaptation. I’m certainly glad I did though, because I really enjoyed it, too! For some reason, even though I’d never to go a real circus (I am terrified of clowns), I love reading about them. I guess it’s my way of experiencing them without the fear. But I’d only read about Fantasy circuses before, so it was really fun to read about a real one, especially one that’s trying to make it during the Depression era.

Water for Elephants alternates between the present day, where Jacob is 93 and in an assisted living facility, and the summer he was 23. He’s not happy where he is, because he still feels like a young man inside even though the evidence to the contrary is obvious on the outside. The final straw seems to be when another resident claims to have carried water for elephants during his days at a circus. Jacob knows there’s no such thing, and begins remember his youth and relives those days he spent working as a circus vet, and fell in love with Marlena.

The only thing that bothered me about Water for Elephants was that Marlena really had no personality before she and Jacob begin their affair. It’s almost as if she needed him to bring her out. I do not like this at all! It was also a bit frustrating because he falls in love with this amazing young woman, but we don’t really see her amazingness until later. Maybe I noticed this more because I watched the movie first, and really enjoyed Reese Witherspoon’s portrayal of her. She breathed life into an otherwise flat character.

I definitely enjoyed Water for Elephants. I find the time period fascinating, and loved seeing circus life (and some of the shows). I liked how Jacob was making the best of a bad situation, and tried to help those around him as well. And of course, Rosie! I freaking love that elephant and wish there had been more of her antics!

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • 5 August, 2015: Finished reading
  • 5 August, 2015: Reviewed