A Touch of Stone and Snow by Milla Vane

A Touch of Stone and Snow (Gathering of Dragons, #2)

by Milla Vane

Milla Vane returns to a world of kings, magic, and passion in her exhilarating A Gathering of Dragons series, as a great alliance forms to stand against an evil warlord intent on their destruction.

Danger lurks in the western realms. The Destroyer’s imminent return has sent the realms into turmoil as desperate citizens seek refuge—but there’s no safety to be found when demons and wraiths crawl out from the shadows. Even Koth, a northern island kingdom left untouched by the Destroyer a generation past, is besieged by terrors spawned from corrupt magics.

When Lizzan leads the Kothan army against these terrors, only to see her soldiers massacred and to emerge as the only survivor, she is called a coward and a deserter. Shunned from her home, Lizzan now wanders in solitude as a mercenary for hire, until she encounters a group of warriors seeking new alliances with the northern kingdoms—a group that includes Aerax, the bastard prince of Koth, and the man who sent her into exile.

Though they were childhood friends, Aerax cannot allow himself to be close to the only woman who might thwart his treacherous plan to save their island realm. But when a goddess's demand binds them together, Lizzan and Aerax must find a way to overcome their painful pasts. Or there will be no future for the western realms...

Reviewed by Ashley on


Stopped reading at 32%.

Ugh what happened here? I loved the first book so much! It was so addicting. This book was just boring. :(

I think the problem was the noticeable decrease in romance. The first book, in my opinion, was mostly a romance book that just so happened to also be fantasy. The fantasy elements weren't the main part of the story; the romance was. But this book felt like the other way around. And I do love fantasy books — that's the main genre I read. But I didn't read this series for the fantasy. I started the first book for the romance — and it absolutely delivered. This book didn't. :( At least not in the first 32%.

Ultimately I was just bored and uninterested. And by 32% the two characters that make up the romantic plot had only barely spoken once. (They had a long history before the book started, but during the on-page story they'd only basically spoken once.)

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Reading updates

  • 10 February, 2021: Started reading
  • 10 February, 2021: on page 0 out of 400 0%
  • 12 February, 2021: on page 25 out of 400 6%
    So far this is dragging... Not addicting like the first one was!
  • 12 February, 2021: on page 100 out of 400 25%
  • 12 February, 2021: on page 127 out of 400 32%
    I think I might DNF... I'm just so bored! I want to care but I don't...
  • 12 February, 2021: Finished reading
  • 13 February, 2021: Reviewed