Reviewed by Angie on

4 of 5 stars


Proceed With Caution:

This book is partially set in an asylum where the heroine was forcefully admitted, mentions of sexual assault, and drugging.

The Basics:

This is the fifth book of the Scandals With Bite series, but it does standalone. It’s been years since I year the previous four and I was able to follow this one with no problem. I know I missed some details and references though.

My Thoughts:

I forgot how fun these books were! Wynter’s Bite starts right in the action! Bethany has been in an asylum for eight years after her parents had her committed when she said she was going to marry a vampire. She held on to hope that something had kept him from her but that he’d rescue her from this hell, but after years of isolation and abuse, she’s given up. Only to have her love appear! Is he just a delusion as the doctor would have her believe, or is he finally here to take her away?

Wynter’s Bite was great! I absolutely loved the flashback chapters of how Bethany and Justus came to meet and fall in love. It certainly wasn’t love at first sight, but once they got to talking, something sweet bloomed. They’re both bookworms! Sadly, Justus wasn’t allowed to marry her quite yet, which led to a series of unfortunate events starting with his arrest and her commitment. Back to the present and both of them are once again full of hope at being reunited, even though their journey down the aisle won’t be a simple one.

Wynter’s Bite also has an exciting historical road-trip as Bethany and Justus make their way across England to find a new home that will accept a rogue vampire and his human lover. They meet all kinds of characters and situations along the way. Nothing too dire, of course, since they have to get their happily ever after. Despite years of neglect and hopelessness, Bethany was a strong travel companion for Justus. She didn’t just let him take care of everything, and she does some rescuing herself!

I just really enjoyed Wynter’s Bite. Vampire are my absolute favorite, especially when they’re put into a historical setting rather than our modern world. Bethany and Justus’s love of books was super adorable and I hope they got the library of their dreams!

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  • 10 January, 2021: Started reading
  • 10 January, 2021: on page 0 out of 292 0%
  • 10 January, 2021: Finished reading
  • 21 January, 2021: Reviewed