How to Build a House by Dana Reinhardt

How to Build a House

by Dana Reinhardt

Seventeen-year-old Harper Evans hopes to escape the effects of her father's divorce on her family and friendships by volunterring her summer to build a house in a small Tennessee town devastated by a tornado.

Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

Harper's family was falling apart, and she was running from the wreckage. As she built this house, she reflected on what happened with her father, step-mother, step-sister, and Gabe. She made real friends and fell in love with someone who loved her back. Personally, I found it easy to empathize with Harper, and I shed tears for this young women, who believed Gabe was the best she could get. The Gabe subplot definitely hit close to home, and I shed real tears for Harper. But, there was Teddy, and he was special and wonderful. I was very pleased, that Harper was able to wade through her feelings regarding the demise of the family she loved so much, as well as the betrayals. I was glad she was able to mend some of those relationships, and I was hopeful for her future.


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  • Started reading
  • 26 June, 2020: Finished reading
  • 26 June, 2020: Reviewed