Reviewed by Canadian Girl Book Blog on

4 of 5 stars

Chance is hoping that he is going to be drafted into the big leagues. As the son of a baseball legend and an all-star in his own right, there is a lot of expectation he will be drafted. The only thing he did not see coming was the failing grade in math which will end his season and his eligibility to be drafted. Danika is one of the more popular tutors on campus. She does not trust athletes and Chance is no exception. After finally agreeing to tutor Chance, Danika makes it clear they are only going to be friends. Chance now has to figure out how to pass math and convince Danika that he is better for her than her current boyfriend.

Behind the Plate is a slow burn sports romance in the Boys of Baseball series. I will be totally honest as I had no idea who Jack Carter was going into this book but now want to go back and read his story after reading about the Carter family and their love. I enjoyed that Chance was sweet with a little bit of cocky thrown in but not the playboy that most all athletes seem to be. Danika is a no-nonsense girl a New York attitude and I am glad that she got out of the toxic relationship she was in. The sexual tension made the slow burn so worth the build-up. I can not wait to see what comes next from this series.

*ARC generously provided in exchange for my honest review*




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  • 3 September, 2020: Reviewed