Wild Cards by George R R Martin

Wild Cards (Wild Cards, #1)

by George R.R. Martin

The return of the famous shared-world superhero books created and edited by George R. R. Martin, author of A GAME OF THRONES

There is a secret history of the world - a history in which an alien virus struck the Earth in the aftermath of World War II, endowing a handful of survivors with extraordinary powers. Some were called Aces - those with superhuman mental and physical abilities. Others became Jokers - cursed with bizarre mental or physical disabilities. Some turned their talents to the service of humanity. Others used their powers for evil. Wild Cards is their story.

Return to the beginning of the long running shared-world series edited by George R. R. Martin, featuring stories and characters who would go on to become legends. Super-heroes have never been more real.
Originally published in 1987, Wild Cards includes powerful tales by Roger Zelazny, Walter Jon Williams, Howard Waldrop, Lewis Shiner, and George R. R. Martin himself. And this expanded edition contains further original tales set at the beginning of the Wild Cards universe, by eminent new writers like Hugo-winner David Levine, noted screenwriter and novelist Michael Cassutt, and New York Times bestseller Carrie Vaughn.

Reviewed by charlton on

3 of 5 stars


After hearing several people talk about this series in a positive way,I read the first one.

A space virus is exploded in the air above Manhattan in the 40's and is quickly spread overseas.The virus quickly kills thousands,mutates an unknown number more.And sometimes it's terrible mutation and a very few got a mutation/powers.

This made it a read better than I was expecting,I'll continue the series.

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  • Started reading
  • 8 November, 2020: Finished reading
  • 8 November, 2020: Reviewed