The Burning Sky by Sherry Thomas

The Burning Sky (Elemental Trilogy, #1)

by Sherry Thomas

It all began with a ruined elixir and an accidental bolt of lightning…

Iolanthe Seabourne is the greatest elemental mage of her generation—or so she's being told. The one prophesied for years to be the savior of The Realm. It is her duty and destiny to face and defeat the Bane, the greatest mage tyrant the world has ever known. A suicide task for anyone let alone a sixteen-year-old girl with no training, facing a prophecy that foretells a fiery clash to the death.

Prince Titus of Elberon has sworn to protect Iolanthe at all costs but he's also a powerful mage committed to obliterating the Bane to revenge the death of his family—even if he must sacrifice both Iolanthe and himself to achieve his goal.

But Titus makes the terrifying mistake of falling in love with the girl who should have been only a means to an end. Now, with the servants of the Bane closing in, he must choose between his mission and her life.

Reviewed by Annie Jackson on

4 of 5 stars


Granted, The Burning Sky reads and feels a bit like a Harry Potter knock off at first. But that prologue!  It's awesome and the story delivers on everything it promises. The characters are feisty and fantastic and the magic of the world keeps things interesting. If you're looking for an entertaining fantasy read that doesn't take itself too seriously than this is a sublime choice.

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Reading updates

  • 29 January, 2014: Started reading
  • 30 January, 2014: Finished reading
  • 2 November, 2020: Reviewed
  • 22 August, 2022: Started reading
  • 24 August, 2022: Finished reading
  • 2 November, 2020: Reviewed