Home Improvement, Undead Edition by

Home Improvement, Undead Edition

There's nothing like home renovation for finding skeletons in the closet or otherworldly portals in the attic. Now here's the perfect treat for any homeowner who's ever wondered, 'What's that creaking sound?' (just before the ceiling comes crashing down!). Editors Charlaine Harris and Toni L. P. Kelner return with an all-new collection, this time on the paranormal perils of Do-It-Yourself.

As well as a brand-new Sookie Stackhouse story by the Number 1 Sunday Times bestselling author Charlaine Harris, there are 13 more cautionary tales of home renovation by bestselling authors Patricia Briggs, James Grady, Heather Graham, Melissa Marr, amongst others. This is an outstanding line-up of frightening and funny fixer-upper tales guaranteed to shake foundations and rattle readers' pipes.

This is the fourth anthology following on from Wolfsbane and Mistletoe, Many Bloody Returns and Death's Excellent Vacation.

Reviewed by Melanie on

4 of 5 stars

I read Gray by Patricia Briggs and Rick the Brave by Stacia Kane.

In Gray, Patricia Briggs writes about a vampire who purchases a haunted condo/apartment that she lived in while human. Although, this story doesn't have any of the characters from the Mercy Thompson books, the vampires appear to have the same rules and mannerisms as the vampires from that series. She is hiding from the seethe in Chicago. This vampire, just wants to be left alone in her apartment where she can feel close to the husband she killed right after being turned. She does eventually have to face the seethe.

In Rick the Brave, Stacia Kane takes us back to Downside (**swoons**). I love the Downside Ghost series. In this story, the story is told by Rick. He is down on his luck and takes a job because he needs the money. He's an electrician and had to go to Downside for the money he needs. While doing some repair under Terrible's watchful eye, a ghost comes out of nowhere. Chess comes and Rick has to face his fears of either the ghosts or what Terrible might do to him. I liked seeing Chess and Terrible from a different point of view. They are just so cute together.

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  • 13 October, 2012: Finished reading
  • 13 October, 2012: Reviewed