Dark Corners by Ruth Rendell

Dark Corners

by Ruth Rendell

When Carl sells a packet of slimming pills to his close friend, Stacey, inadvertently causing her death, he sets in train a sequence of catastrophic events which begins with subterfuge, extends to lies, and culminates in murder.

In Rendell’s dark and atmospheric tale of psychological suspense, we encounter mistaken identity, kidnap, blackmail, and a cast of characters who are so real that we come to know them better than we know ourselves.

Infused with her distinctive blend of wry humour, acute observation and deep humanity, this is Rendell at her most memorable and best.

Reviewed by Aidan Brack (Mysteries Ahoy) on

3.5 of 5 stars


An interesting exploration of how a character can find themselves trapped in a situation where they feel murder is the only way out.

Read my full review at Mysteries Ahoy!

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Reading updates

  • 12 September, 2020: Started reading
  • 12 September, 2020: on page 0 out of 288 0%
  • 13 September, 2020: Finished reading
  • 14 September, 2020: Reviewed