Brave Young Knight by Karen Kingsbury

Brave Young Knight

by Karen Kingsbury

Although not the speediest, strongest, or most intelligent, a kind, honest knight wins a bravery competition to become prince of the kingdom.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

4 of 5 stars

What a delightful and powerful lesson to learn. What is the meaning of true bravery? How many times in our own lives do we think it is a certain handful of things that make someone better than others. Karen Kingsbury has a great story with this brave young knight as he lives by what is right even when it is not the most popular. This is a book that will be fabulous to share with any child as they grow to help them see what it is that God is looking for. I love this. Her children's books are quite keepers and the artistry is fabulous.

*Thanks to Zondervan for providing a copy for review.*

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  • Started reading
  • 8 February, 2011: Finished reading
  • 8 February, 2011: Reviewed