Seven Ways to Kill a King by Melissa Wright

Seven Ways to Kill a King

by Melissa Wright

She was born a princess. They made her an assassin.

One was an accident. Two a coincidence. By three, they would know. It would be harder, but I would avenge my mother’s death. These kings would pay that price.

Seven cities make up the Storm Queen’s Realm, each of their self-crowned, murderous kings are one of Princess Myrina’s marks. The treasonous curs may have banded together to share a stolen throne, but soon they will fall.

They thought her dead, killed in the massacre. They thought their rule secure, but Myrina of Stormskeep has awoken. With the help of her loyal bloodsworn, the shadow princess will have her revenge.

For fans of The Witcher and Game of Thrones—a new princess set on vengeance is here to steal your heart.

Reviewed by Ashley on


I stopped reading 16% through. I wanted to love this…I live for this kind of story. But the book read like a sequel… I felt like I had no context and was just dropped into the middle of things. Things were only half explained to the point where I felt like I missed reading a previous book that would have explained them.

I also wasn't particularly invested in any of the characters.

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Reading updates

  • 9 September, 2020: Started reading
  • 9 September, 2020: on page 0 out of 262 0%
  • 10 September, 2020: on page 34 out of 262 13%
    I'm not sure about this so far... It feels... Rushed?
  • 10 September, 2020: Finished reading
  • 10 September, 2020: Reviewed