Reviewed by leelu92 on

4 of 5 stars

Couple of things you can count on with a Samanthe Beck book.  Hot flashes and you get to learn new words.  It's sexy AND educational!

Words like "fuck-lust" and "Titwank".  Take my word for it ok?  You'll be laughing and running for a cold drink while inserting your head in the freezer.

Good times.

So,we met Melody and Josh (ahem) in Private Practice in quite an interesting way.  Luckily, Ms. Beck fills us in on how that "situation" came to be and how things between Josh and Melody "evolve".  Josh, holy cow, is one intense dude and Melody is...not and yet they really compliment each other so well.  Melody (Miss Bluelick) is all that is goodness and light, sunshine, rainbows and unicorns and Josh has no intention of   partaking of any of that.  To her credit, Melody decides that she needs to take the bull by the horns and wave the red (pink in this case) flag at the bull.
"You know it did.  You wearing pink around me amounts to waving a red flag in front of a bull.  I see it, and I automatically think of every soft pink part of you.  Every peak and crevice.  I think about touching, tasting...sinking into those soft pink parts until you shudder and scream.  When you wear that color around me, you're saying, 'I want you to fuck me.' Understand?"

See what I mean?  But let me say that while Ms. Beck is supremely talented at the sexy times, she is so good at layering other subplots in the book.  There is still an arson problem going on in Bluelick that the Mayor wants to deny, Melody's hilarious bff (Ginny) is around more and we are clued into what may be in her future.

Josh, has a number of things to think about.  He only sees the Bluelick job as a stepping stone and does not see himself getting all that involved or attached to the community.  Little does he know that while he may not feel connected to the community, they are feeling that connection to him and truly need his experience and expertise in their small town.




I really feel like it's hard to go wrong with a Samanthe Beck book.  It's well known that I'm a complete fool when it comes to the McCade brothers.  I think that Ms. Beck's writing style just really works for me, I love the way she combines passion, humor and  flat out entertaining storytelling.

Guess what?  If you enter the SSBR Celebration giveaway you can win an e book of Private Practice (Book 1) and some super awesome SWAG!

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Purchase Light Her Fire: Amazon // B & N // Kobo // iTunes

Book 1:

Private Practice Purchase: Amazon // B & N // Kobo // iTunes



This review was originally posted on Straight Shootin' Book Reviews

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  • 9 October, 2014: Finished reading
  • 9 October, 2014: Reviewed