Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books

This is not my first book my Ms. Murray, but it is the first book in the Santa Fe Bobcats series that I’ve read and I really enjoyed it. Even though Romancing the Running Back is the 4th in a series, it is easy to read on its own.

In Romancing the Running Back, we follow Anya and Josiah as they move from antagonism, to friends, to lovers while they help their friends plan a wedding. Anya has several other things going on that prompted her visit to Santa Fe to be more like a relocation and those complications eventually cause problems for her with Josiah.

I enjoyed these two characters and their quirks. They were fun to get to know and it was a treat to see their relationship progress. One of my favorite things was the fact that when Anya’s past caught up to her and threw a wrench into things, Josiah didn’t go stomping off to be mad, he sat down with her and talked about it.

The supporting cast was fun and added color and humor to the story. If you have followed the Santa Fe Bobcats series, you will enjoy seeing glimpses of characters from the prior three books and catching up with where they are now. If you are new to Ms. Murray’s work, this would be a fun book to start with. It’s a quick read and definitely worth the time.

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  • 9 January, 2016: Reviewed