Food Family Style by Leigh Oliver Vickery

Food Family Style

by Leigh Oliver Vickery

In a time when the family meal is increasingly losing out to the general busyness of life, it's time to rediscover the joys of cooking and eating together as a family. Time may be short and budgets may be tight, but these 365 mouthwatering recipes are sure to draw families into the kitchen and around the table day after day. From tasty breakfasts, soups, and salads to sumptuous main dishes and desserts, Food Family Style delivers just what readers' families ordered. Throughout the book are symbols indicating recipes that double easily, freeze well, are gluten-free or vegetarian, can be made in a slow cooker, and more. And since there's more to mealtime than just the food, this innovative book also includes tips about how to involve kids in meal preparation, meaningful conversation starters, and simple ideas to bring warmth to your home.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

5 of 5 stars

While this cookbook is not filled with full-color or any finish meal items photographs, it is not that kind of cookbook. This is a friend and a helping hand in the form of someone who understands where I am and where I’m coming from and it’s amazing. As a mother to a budding preschooler and baby this is just what I need on my cooking shelf. While other family-cookbooks are about cooking for many and making conversation and self-serve friendly meals this is what’s right for me right now. Including recipes that I can double and freeze as well as gluten free for when my wheat-allergen sister comes to call and even healthful and vegetarian recipes are through out for when I’m inevitable pregnant and gestational diabetic or borderline again. Then there are even MOPS favorites and slow cooker meals that are sooo very friendly for my three year old (and new eater – the one year old)’s meals as well as making sure there is a meal on the table for my fabulously hardworking Enginerd.

Starting with a down-to-earth introduction that shows this author is human and someone a bit like me I’m pulled in. But it is the flavors and suggestions through out that show me I’m definitely going to be coming back for more again and again from this one. Trying to find recipes that have small enough ingredients that aren’t crazy on flavor for my young children is hard enough, and this one is just right (umm… Goldilocks?).

The fonts and formatting through out are attractive to the eye. Begin without images, I was a little concerned at first, but I need not be as the changes through out are just what there needs to be in transitions and things are easy to find and read at a glance until I get to where I need to be. I really think this one is a great addition to any young family’s shelf and would make a great gift.

*Thanks to Revell for providing a copy for review.*


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  • Started reading
  • 18 August, 2012: Finished reading
  • 18 August, 2012: Reviewed