Reviewed by funstm on
Obviously the fallout from the Blood of the Lost has left the gang changed and the epilogues follow each of the four characters as they adapt to the change that has been wrought and their own insecurities. But it also builds up to the next chapter in the world and the final book in the Elemental series, Destroyer.
In Liam, the ogre babies are dying from lack of ogre milk. This time, Liam is up to bat, taking off to find the last remaining ogre pack and hopefully, a nursing ogre female. Like Rylee, Liam has his own issues - mainly that he literally doesn't recognise himself. Being stuck in Faris' body has left him doubting his instincts, his control, his attractiveness and Rylee's feelings for him. Especially since he hasn't been able to shift since the battle. It was fast paced, action packed and emotional and gave a greater insight into Liam's feelings and character. Thoroughly enjoyed seeing more of Liam, only wish that the whole gang had featured rather than just Liam and new characters.
Reading updates
- Started reading
- 11 March, 2020: Finished reading
- 11 March, 2020: Reviewed