The Goodbye Witch by Heather Blake

The Goodbye Witch (Wishcraft Mystery, #4)

by Heather Blake

As Enchanted Village’s resident Wishcrafter, Darcy Merriweather has the power to make other people’s wishes come true, but what she really wishes is that she had the power to uncloak the invisible man who’s stalking her best friend...
Darcy’s closest friend and fellow witch, Starla Sullivan, hoped she’d never see her ex-husband, Kyle, again. Two years ago he tried to kill her, and he has been a fugitive ever since. Now Starla claims to have seen him back in Enchanted Village, but it seems she’s the only one who can see him. To everyone else, her ex is...Read more

Reviewed by MurderByDeath on

4 of 5 stars

Outstanding. I thought this book was excellently and thoughtfully written; addressing deeper themes without dragging the reader down. A very entertaining read I'd recommend to anyone who prefers their medicine to be sweet, a la Mary Poppins.

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  • Started reading
  • 16 June, 2014: Finished reading
  • 16 June, 2014: Reviewed