Impulse by Dave Bara

Impulse (Lightship Chronicles, #1)

by Dave Bara

A remote solar system
A fragile galactic alliance
An interstellar war is on the brink of eruption...

When the Lightship Impulse is attacked without provocation, Lt. Peter Cochrane, son of the Grand Admiral, is sent to investigate.

His first deep space mission, this isn't what Peter has spent three years in training for. Surrounded by strangers and following secret orders, is he willing to do what it takes to keep the alliance together? Even mutiny?

Book one in The Lightship Chronicles, a groundbreaking new action-adventure space opera from Dave Bara

Reviewed by ayla_abbott on

3 of 5 stars

A little simplistic, perhaps a bit too quick, and the characters feel either one dimensional or too easily explained. Over-explained, perhaps, stating attraction between characters when a slow build to it would have been more satisfying. Nevertheless, if the next in the series matures along with the protagonist himself then I think it'll work fine and be an entertaining, fluffy like candy floss, quick summer read.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 25 May, 2015: Finished reading
  • 25 May, 2015: Reviewed