Reviewed by Angie on

3 of 5 stars

The Possibility of Us is a follow up to Dear Cassie, but even though it is a standalone, I would recommend reading them in order. It's been six months since Cassie left Turning Pines, and about four months since she and Ben parted ways. I'll admit I was happy they didn't stay together, since I was never sold on their relationship, but I was curious to see how they'd be reunited. But they aren't meeting up under happy circumstances. One of their counselors died in a car accident, and they're both heading to her funeral. Ben is more going to see Cassie, but Cassie didn't want to go if Ben would be there. Of course, she has a meddling best friend who gets them both to where they need to be.

I was annoyed with The Possibility of Us at the beginning because of Cassie not wanting to go to the funeral just because Ben might be there. Rawe was a very important part of her healing process, and it was very childish and disrespectful of her to even consider staying away for that reason. Luckily, Cassie does realize that the funeral is somewhere she needs to be, and hopes she can just avoid Ben. Well, that's not going to happen. There is a ton of tension between them, since each blames the other for their break up, and feels hurt by it. Yet, neither is willing to put a voice to those feelings. Laura, though, makes sure that they get some alone time, and it's about darn time!

I'm still not 100% into Cassie and Ben as a couple, but I did warm up to them, since they realize that they don't know each other nearly as well as they thought. They were caught up in raw emotions, and the adventure of running off together, but they simply didn't know the important things. Cassie can't get close to Ben or fully trust him until she tells him about her past, and Ben needs to show her that he cares and can take care of her. They did a lot of self exploration during those two days, and found how they can fit together in each others lives now, since that was the root of their problem before. Neither knew what to do, so they just left.

In the end, I did enjoy The Possibility of Us. It fixed some of the issues I had with their relationship originally, and continued the healing process for Cassie.

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • Started reading
  • 21 August, 2014: Finished reading
  • 21 August, 2014: Reviewed