Reviewed by zooloo1983 on

5 of 5 stars

Man, I am getting goosebumps just thinking about this book! This was not the perfect book to read, in bed without any lights on! I stayed up until gone midnight finishing this book, only looking at the Kindle, no where else, did not pass go! You know…just in case someone with hollow eyes decided to claw their way up my bed and stare at me, chills just thinking about it!

I mean do not get me wrong I love a good scare and all, but I found at times, I held my poor little kindle a bit too tightly, I felt sick in my stomach at certain scenes, and I am sure I just felt something brush past me! EEEEEKKKKKK

We start with Meg, Meg as a child with a gift, only wanting to help others but children being children label her a freak and blame her for the bad things. The parent’s not understanding her, persuade their children not to play with her. All she wants is her mother’s and Grace’s, her sister, love, that is it. Nothing more, with them she’s not a freak, she is safe and she is loved. Then the unthinkable happens…..

Move on six months and we catch up again to where Meg and Grace are, and their new lives. Meg still not settling in well but Grace is flourishing. And again there is another event.

Then we are at 2017, and Meg has been told to take a sabbatical, something has happened to this high flying lawyer who just can not switch off. Give the poor girl a break Mr Redmond! When we meet her again she has learned to tune out her “gift” until the “visitor and then man the party is starting here! Meg has to learn how to re-use her gift, and how to accept who she is, and you see real growth in the end. But at the beginning, she wants to run away, and to be honest I don’t bloody blame her, think I would run too!

The visitor, my god the chills, the descriptions given to us by the author were terrifying. For one, the way he describes a pillow in a rocking chair, and the indentations as if someone is sitting there, but when you look there is no one in the chair – WTF!!!! Oh but there are more!

The main time when I felt my stomach tighten, and the fear really start to set in, is when the “visitor” started to spook Dan (My god the goosebumps now just thinking about this scene!!). They were terrifying, the breath on his neck, the sounds aaahhh!!

The story behind the visitor was so sad, I was emotional and my heart broke while Meg was on her mission to help. As the scenes we are shown in Meg’s dreams and the information that we discovered, no one should have to go through this! But that final confrontation!!! Woah!! There were a few red herrings along the way that I had tried to figure out when reading.

We do have some comic relief in Dan, the loveable rogue who lives next door to Meg. Who stands by her through it all, and tries to help even when he is being warned off. He made me smile a lot and the banter between the adorable pair was cute, it made the book seem a bit lighter when they were together. When they were apart well god damn it!! It was dark and creepy and bloody terrifying!!!

I spent the last 10% of the book bit frustrated. I wasn’t sure where the author was going to go, I was coiled up so tight like a snake, waiting for something to happen, something to change. Boy did things change!!! I am still on the fence for the ending, I can’t say why as I can’t give it away. Now don’t get me wrong the end was good and satisfying in one way, but it’s not the ending I wanted lol. Yep, I am being selfish, I wanted a different “happier” ending! But this is me however, I did have a smile on my face at the end.

This book is most definitely a perfectly spooky Halloween read, I thoroughly enjoyed this. I do not recommend reading it as I did, at night around the witching hour that is for sure! Maybe somewhere hot, in the sun, with a drink or two. The story just flows, I would have loved to have more of child Meg, but the blanks were filled in nicely.

I want to read more by Mr Redmond, this book was so beautifully told, weaving in the different storylines, the different feelings so intricately, that reading this book is far from a chore. I finished it in one sitting that is how much I loved (not quite sure that is the right word) this book, it draws you in, making you crave for answers, the need to know who, what and why and plus I didn’t want to turn the kindle light off…you know just in case…

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  • 31 October, 2018: Finished reading
  • 31 October, 2018: Reviewed