Brilliant Imperfection by Eli Clare

Brilliant Imperfection

by Eli Clare

In Brilliant Imperfection Eli Clare uses memoir, history, and critical analysis to explore cureā€”the deeply held belief that body-minds considered broken need to be fixed. Cure serves many purposes. It saves lives, manipulates lives, and prioritizes some lives over others. It provides comfort, makes profits, justifies violence, and promises resolution to body-mind loss. Clare grapples with this knot of contradictions, maintaining that neither an anti-cure politics nor a pro-cure worldview can account for the messy, complex relationships we have with our body-minds. The stories he tells range widely, stretching from disability stereotypes to weight loss surgery, gender transition to skin lightening creams. At each turn, Clare weaves race, disability, sexuality, class, and gender together, insisting on the nonnegotiable value of body-mind difference. Into this mix, he adds environmental politics, thinking about ecosystem loss and restoration as a way of delving more deeply into cure. Ultimately Brilliant Imperfection reveals cure to be an ideology grounded in the twin notions of normal and natural, slippery and powerful, necessary and damaging all at the same time.

Reviewed by lovelybookshelf on

5 of 5 stars

Able-bodied people, forget everything you think you believe about health and cure and disability politics, and listen to Eli Clare. He covers politics, history, ethics, ableism, gender identity, and more; with all the messy, contradictory intersections that cannot be ignored. His prose is dazzling, the way he states his points so beautiful, that this feels like a mix of nonfiction and poetry. Cannot recommend highly enough!

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  • Started reading
  • 30 December, 2016: Finished reading
  • 30 December, 2016: Reviewed