Draw 62 Things in Nature and Make Them Cute by Heegyum Kim

Draw 62 Things in Nature and Make Them Cute (Draw 62)

by Heegyum Kim

In this book from the quirky illustration series Draw 62, beloved illustrator and Instagrammer Heegyum Kim takes you on a fun journey to expand your character-building skills as she shows you how to draw 62 natural subjects and make them cute!

Follow the step-by-step instructions of Draw 62 Things in Nature and Make Them Cute to learn to draw adorable nature-inspired characters like a cantankerous carrot, a swell seashell, and an outrageous rock.
  • On the left-hand page, follow along with the steps as each subject moves from simple shapes to identifying marks.
  • On the right-hand page, you’ll find several other clever options for varying your character design by changing the view, the posture, accessories, or expression.
  • Grab your pen and use the open spaces throughout the book to create your own versions and variations.
You’ll enjoy bringing characters from nature to life with this fresh, modern drawing guide.

Reviewed by annieb123 on

5 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

Draw 62 Things in Nature and Make Them Cute is a new volume in the Draw 62 Things series - this one is by Heegyum Kim. Released 3rd Nov 2020 by Quarto on their Quarry imprint, it's 128 pages and available in paperback format.

This is an appealing book filled with simple tutorials for drawing nature inspired anthropomorphic creatures - fruit characters, leaves, cartoonish birds, clouds, leaves, flowers, bugs, and more.

The tutorials and techniques are suited to beginning artists. There are step by step tutorials for 62 beings with different variations and poses for each one. There is a 'you try it' balloon on each page for reader drawings.

This would make a great gift for would-be artists of all ages. The included tutorials are varied and eclectic. There is no introductory technique or materials instruction; the book just includes the 62 tutorials. There is a complete table of contents, so locating individual ones shouldn't be problematic. They're slanted toward line drawings, though colored pens, crayons, and watercolors could certainly be used to enhance the drawings.

Cute book, accessible for everyone.

Four and a half stars, rounded up for the bugs - the rhino beetle is adorable and really appealed to me for some reason. He keeps popping up on my notes, my planner, rocks I paint, the chalkboard in my lab, everywhere.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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  • Started reading
  • 15 November, 2020: Finished reading
  • 15 November, 2020: Reviewed