Cage of Destiny by Jennifer Anne Davis

Cage of Destiny (Reign of Secrets, #3)

by Jennifer Anne Davis

Destined from birth to be the next empress of Emperion, Allyssa grew up at court weighed down by the expectations of the crown. Kingdom and duty always came first.

Until now.

Having survived the brutal kingdom of Russek, she is given the choice to walk away and live a peaceful, quiet life. But it also means giving up everything she knows and everyone she loves. Before she decides, word reaches her about an assassination attempt. Donning her secret persona—that of a vigilante—she sets out to eliminate her enemy once and for all.

As Allyssa fights the demons of her past to save her future, she realizes she never had a choice. She can either embrace her destiny or be caged by it.

Reviewed by funstm on

5 of 5 stars

There were some weak parts in this book but overall I loved it. Alyssa was strong and more bloodthirsty but I liked that. Nathanek was interesting and I LOVE Kerdan. I can't wait to read the next one.

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  • Started reading
  • 8 October, 2017: Finished reading
  • 8 October, 2017: Reviewed