Pendragon's Banner by Helen Hollick

Pendragon's Banner (Pendragon's banner, #2)

by Helen Hollick

The Pendragon is King, but the battles are not over. Winifred, jealous, resentful and vindictive, wants to be re-instated as wife to the King - Arthur. Arthur wants peace for his kingdom and an end to the misunderstandings that arise between him and his wife - Gwenhwyfar. Gwenhwyfar, frightened for the safety of her three sons, faces grief and turmoil and plots an end to the woman who may cause them harm - Morgause. Morgause, bitter and determined to achieve power, manipulates those who fall under her spell, except for - Bedwyr. Bedwyr loves both Gwenhwyfar and his cousin, Arthur Pendragon. But passion, love and hatred runs side by side and becomes so entangled that even King Arthur finds it hard to unravel the knots from the woven threads.

Reviewed by elysium on

4 of 5 stars

Arthur is now king of Britain but discovers it’s far from secure. Now he has to find the way to keep it and to get the loyalty of his people. Arthur tries seek peace and tries to make offers on agreeable terms, but his men and his wife doesn’t always understand his reasons and this causes fractions on his marriage on the way.

It’s been too long since I read the first book and I had no idea how the last book ended. But I do remember thinking the first half of the book was ok but really liked the second half. I think this one was better and it was gripping from the start.

I haven’t read much about Arthur but I like how the people are described here. There’s no magic or fantasy elements and it feels real. I love the relationship between Arthur and Gwenhwyfar; it wasn’t an easy marriage and it sure had its rocky patches but I love it’s not all happily ever after – stuff. Arthur can be an asshole, numerous times, and he sure loves women but it sounds more realistic than that they both were faithful. Doesn’t stop me wanting to smack him so many times but believable.

I really enjoyed this and I’m looking forward reading the last book of the trilogy.

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  • Started reading
  • 24 September, 2012: Finished reading
  • 24 September, 2012: Reviewed