Reviewed by goodnghtmoonx on

2 of 5 stars

Ever have those books where you just want the narrator to just shut up and fall off the face of the Earth? This was definitely that book for me. I was intrigued enough to finish it, but I should have put it down after the first 10%. The story is about a girl named Vervain, who thinks she's funny and witty, but comes across as trying too hard (in my opinion). I'm all for a good movie quote or references, but several of them seemed really out of place or forced. A "quirky" girl trying far too hard to get people to like her. Not to mention all of these drop dead gorgeous gods are falling for her left and right. And very little damage is ever actually done for her. Throughout the whole things I was spent hoping something horribly bad would happen to her where I wouldn't have to listen to her anymore. (Spoiler, there's more books. Unfortunately.) There is a major plot that fades away towards the ending, only to be mentioned in a single sentence in the epiloque as to what happens with it. I can only assume that it and many of the other plot holes continue in the following novels. I won't be reading to find out.

This book did have a lot of potential to be something great. Instead it turned into a painfully dreaded romance novel involving humans and gods, and werewolves and vampires. Very unnecessary sex scenes are scattered through the book and they had little to nothing to the plot. I was truly hoping for a wonderful, action filled conquest to kill gods for whatever reason, but the god killing is very minimal. As is the action.

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  • Started reading
  • 4 September, 2015: Finished reading
  • 4 September, 2015: Reviewed