Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

It has been awhile since I read a novella. I usually avoid them for two reasons

The story usually feel rushed.
My inability to connect with the characters, due to poor character development.

However, I was in the mood for something short and sweet and this looked like it would have hit the spot. My experience with the author’s work helped my decision greatly.

I am familiar with the world created by the author so diving into this book was no biggie for me. That being said, I think it would be wise to read Calm Assurance and Destiny’s Favor before jumping into this installment.

From the moment I began reading, I found myself immersed into the story and eager to learn more about the characters, especially Andreus. I knew the reason for his incarceration, but I was curious to learn what to led to the tragic moment that rob him of most of his life. Learning what led to the violent outburst was heartbreaking and I could not fault him for his actions.

Jaci Allen has yet to come to terms with the tragic loss of her husband and daughter. Immersing herself into her work is her way of dealing with their deaths. However, she was nothing but a shell, wandering aimlessly searching for a purpose. A purpose that would come to light when she crossed paths with Andreus.

Jaci and Andreus connection to each other transcends the physical. From the moment their paths crossed, it was clear they were each other’s destiny. I liked the fact they both learnt and discovered things about themselves. Andreus, became aware of what and who he was. Jaci’s eyes were open to the things, which appeared impossible. Her life as she knew it was about to go through dramatic changes.

I appreciated her skepticism. Her need to question the strange events revealed her cautious nature. I would not have expected less, in light of the tragic events from her past.

This is a well-written story with relatable characters and a captivating writing style that will cause readers to feel they are a part of this world.

The problem I had with this story is the ending. I am not sure if I would call it a cliffhanger, but it left me with many questions. So I am guessing, there will be another book and I hoping I guessed right.

Overall, this was a wonderful addition to the series. I am eager to know what else Ms. Raye has in store for her fans.

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  • Started reading
  • 10 September, 2017: Finished reading
  • 10 September, 2017: Reviewed