Reviewed by sstaley on

4 of 5 stars

The Mariposa Hotel is another book in the Tangerine Street Romance series. I truly love how in some way all of the books are connected by the businesses that call Tangerine Street their home and the people that live and work there.

In The Mariposa Hotel, there are three stories of very different people from all walks of life. They all meet in the hotel and a romance blossoms, some have a more difficult time, but in the end love conquers all. I like that this is a book of people changing and striving to make their hopes and dreams come true. The wishing well in the secret garden of the hotel was my favorite part. You will find some great romances in this book, with some swoon worthy kisses too.

The Mariposa Hotel can be read in one sitting, or read one story and come back later to read the next. As I've said before when reviewing books with novellas, this kind of book is perfect for the busy woman trying to fit everything in to their day, including some time for themselves. All three of these authors are fantastic writers, so you know you will be reading high-quality stories and clean romances.

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  • Started reading
  • 9 December, 2015: Finished reading
  • 9 December, 2015: Reviewed