Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

This book oozed sexual chemistry from the first page. Not to mention the sexual tension, for a moment I thought my phone would overheat from the scorching chemistry between Cat and Caden.

Having recently lost her farm manager, Cat was pushed to hire Caden to be the new farm manager. The hiring was borne from a necessity rather than a desire as Cat didn’t want to work with him, but what choice did she have and besides he came highly recommended

A man with a mysterious past, Caden proved to be a complex character. I had an interesting time peeling away his layers and learning what made him tick. I have to admit it took me sometime to warm up to him mostly due to his arrogance, but as the story progressed my initial perception changed. In the end, he proved to be no different from Cat. They both wanted to be loved and accepted for themselves. They both feared getting close to anyone for fear of losing them.

I found Cat’s character easy to relate to. She puts everyone’s needs above hers without a complaint. Her fears as it relates to getting involved with Caden leapt off the pages. Those fears were understandable, especially knowing he had secrets, which he has yet to reveal.

It was fun revisiting with the characters from the previous book. Seeing how their lives have developed was a treat. Once again, I had fun with the secondary characters and I am eager to learn whose story will be next.

This story was a stark reminder that no matter how hard you try to outrun your past, it will eventually catch up to you. A fact Caden will learn.

Overall, Arrogant Bastard proved to be an entertaining romantic and sexy story and one I would recommend.

This review was originally posted on Totally Addicted to Reading

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  • Started reading
  • 6 July, 2020: Finished reading
  • 6 July, 2020: Reviewed