Book Love by Debbie Tung

Book Love

by Debbie Tung

Bookworms rejoice! These charming comics capture exactly what it feels like to be head-over-heels for hardcovers.

Book Love is a gift book of comics tailor-made for tea-sipping, spine-sniffing, book-hoarding bibliophiles. Debbie Tung's comics are humorous and instantly recognizable-making readers laugh while precisely conveying the thoughts and habits of book nerds. Book Love is the ideal gift to let a book lover know they're understood and appreciated.

Reviewed by kalventure on

5 of 5 stars

This collection of cartoons would be an ideal gift for the book lover(s) in your life, including yourself. I don't read a lot of comics these days, but when a friend told me about this title I just had to check it out for myself! And I am so glad that I did, because I really enjoyed flipping through and seeing some of my own personal bookish quirks immortalized. Tung's artistic style is lovely as well, and you can tell that the author has captured what it is like to be a bookworm because she is one of us.

This is one that I'm sure every book lover will adore. Book Love is a collection of comics that depict what it is like to be a book lover - from incognito sniffing a new book to being beckoned by your TBR when you are trying to work to going into the bookshop for ONE book and being sidelined by the sale display. Honestly, every page brought a smile to my face at how relatable the comics are. Honestly I was having a bad day and reading this made my day a little brighter, so thank you for that. This is a love story to and for book lovers, and I highly recommend it!

Many thanks to the publisher for providing me an eARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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  • Started reading
  • 21 October, 2018: Finished reading
  • 21 October, 2018: Reviewed