Reviewed by stacey_is_sassy on

2 of 5 stars

I struggled with this one.

I bought Werewolf Wedding on impulse when the storyline caught my eye and the price wasn't bad. Unfortunately for me this story dragged. I was determined to finish it but I can honestly say that the only time my mind didn't drift was between the 50% and 65% mark. There were some spelling and grammar issues and at times there was too much inner monologue, but for me the biggest problem was I didn't feel like this could even remotely be real. With some paranormal you actually start to question whether it's make believe or it's a secret that's been really well kept. Maybe my next door neighbour is really a shapeshifting animal and that is why his house is a pigsty.

I was disappointed at the lack of smexy time in this book. Alpha shapeshifting werewolves normally have uncontrolled lust when they find their mate. There were a couple of heated scene but they lacked a connection between the main characters.

The villain in this story was stupid and there was no time I thought he was a contender to win.

I didn't get the title...there was no wedding??

Unfortunately this story was not for me, but there were enough 4 and 5 star reviews that maybe I got it all wrong. I'll leave it up for you to decide.

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  • Started reading
  • 12 April, 2015: Finished reading
  • 12 April, 2015: Reviewed