The Language of Souls by Lena Goldfinch

The Language of Souls

by Lena Goldfinch

A fast-paced tale of adventure and soul-stirring romance that will leave you breathless.

Solena trespasses into hostile territory to search for a rare herb to cure the grandfather she loves. When a young enemy soldier captures her and she's accused of being a spy, she discovers just how much she’s risked.

As a soldier, Rundan struggles to please his father, a ruthless army commander. When his father orders him to take the beautiful trespasser to the royal courts, where she’ll surely be tried and executed, Rundan is plagued by an inconvenient desire to protect her.

The handsome young soldier confuses Solena. First, he cruelly captures her, and then treats her with uncommon kindness. When he risks his life to save hers, she fears she may have risked more than her life on her journey…she may have lost her heart.

Reviewed by anastasia on

4 of 5 stars

**ARC provided by the Author via Never Too Old For Y.A. & N.A. Books **

4.5/5 stars

The lush and wondrous setting literally springs to life off the pages!! The main character, Solena had just been named 'healer' from her Granpeer, the Prophet, who is slowly dying. Solena must venture off to forbidden lands, which are controlled by soldiers, to find a specific herb to heal her dying grandpeer

The Language of Souls is a short but captivating story. It's packed with romance, and action. I absolutely loved this book! I couldn't put it down. It was original, never predictable, and yet utterly satisfying. I loved the characters, they were well thought out and the imaginative world the author has created. My only complaint, it was WAY too short. I would have loved to read more! I highly recommend it and I can't wait to read more from this author!

Happy Reading!

~Ana @SoManyBooksSoLittleTime~

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  • Started reading
  • 29 July, 2013: Finished reading
  • 29 July, 2013: Reviewed