Pagan Portals - Thor by Morgan Daimler

Pagan Portals - Thor

by Morgan Daimler

Thor is an immensely popular God but also one of contradictions, whose complexity is sometimes underrated. Often depicted as oafish, he was clever enough to outwit the dwarf Alviss (All-wise). A god of storms and thunder, he brought fertility and blessed brides at weddings and although a defender of civilization and order, he usually travelled with a trickster deity. Pagan Portals - Thor is an introductory book that examines both history and mythology, untangling older beliefs from modern pop-culture.

Reviewed by Liam on

5 of 5 stars

[The ARC of this book was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.]

- I never read a book by Morgan Daimler before, and I didn't really know what to expect from this book. I only picked it up because I felt Thor reaching out to me a few months ago and I wanted to learn more about him.
- I love this book! It's very short, easy to read and it covers a lot of topics such as Thor in mythology, Thor's family, symbols, Thor in the modern world, and some tips for worshipping Thor.
- I already know a lot about Norse mythology, but I still learned a lot of new things.
- I really liked the "Thor in my life" section at the end of each chapter.
- There are also prayers, poems, a guided meditation to connect with Thor and lots of resources.
- After reading this book I will definitely try to learn more about Thor and maybe start worshipping him!

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  • Started reading
  • 1 March, 2020: Finished reading
  • 1 March, 2020: Reviewed