Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

This was a cute, short novella by Jane Porter. I always love Jane's books, so maybe I'm a little biased.

Jenny Wright is left at the alter. This in and of itself is terrible, however, Jenny is in her hometown where everybody knows everything, she's paid for an extravegant wedding that she can't really afford and she was marrying her boss. Her family already has a reputation as one of the poorest in the town--perhaps one of the reasons Jenny has worked so hard at her job in Chicago and become successful--and here she is, dumped and unemployed.

To make matters worse, Colton Thorpe appears. He has a reputation as a "bad boy" and Jenny has had a crush on him since chlidhood. Like Jenny, Colt couldn't escape the confines of their tiny hometown fast enough, but he just happens to be home visiting when he comes upon a beautiful girl in her wedding dress wandering the streets of Marietta. He offers her a ride (no pun intended...) and Jenny begins to question many of the decisions she has made about her life up to that point.

I really enjoyed this one... I am a sucker for a cowboy any time though! This story was the right balance of seweet and sexy for me. COLT was the right balance of sweet and sexy--and everything in between! Take Me, Cowboy is the perfect title because you will want to utter those words when you read this one. Sigh.

Reviewed by Joelle for Cocktails and Books

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  • 10 November, 2013: Reviewed