Reviewed by Berls on

5 of 5 stars

It's over. My favorite series is over. But let me tell you, that's the way to end a series. Red Rain was epic. EPIC.


After the way things ended in Howler's Night, I knew Red Rain would be intense. The shit hit the fan at the end of Howler's Night, and the punches just kept coming in Red Rain. It was one giant emotional ringer. I was constantly worried and anxious and I totally cried. Ugly cried. Bad. It was awesome and devastating all at once. Definitely a book you want to put in the freezer periodically.

The action and mystery were as intense as the FEELS. I was constantly guessing, trying to figure out what would happen, what all the big plans were. Pandora's been pumped full of so many demons that she's not even recognizable as Pandora half the time and yet, there are moments where you dare to hope. Where Asher dares to hope. And then there are even more moments where you think everyone's insane for hoping, including you.

And then the twists!! OMG, I read this as a beta reader, so I was really looking for somewhere RS Black might have gone wrong, where these twists wouldn't work. But, nope - they're just insanely clever and if you saw them coming... well then you're a hell of a lot smarter than me!

And when everything went down, it was intense and nail biting. And yeah... epic. Sorry to be repetitive but... WOW!

I loved this series from start to finish, but when I met and fell in love with Pandora I had no idea the torture she would be put through! Every book has packed a punch and shocked the hell out of me and Red Rain was no exception - it took everything to the next level.

It was one hell of a ride and I'm sad it's over. But what a way to end.

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  • Started reading
  • 15 March, 2015: Finished reading
  • 15 March, 2015: Reviewed