Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

2.5 Cocktails

Courtney “Cory” Beecher is a teacher that lives with Mrs. Adelaide Thomas while trying to secure a husband. The two of them are disturbed one night when Tyler Montgomery comes calling. Tyler is injured by Cory, and the two of them are given an opportunity to discover more about each other. Neither of them could have any idea of the journey they are about to undertake.

What I liked…

Cory and Tyler had great chemistry. I liked Cory’s feisty personality. I loved the way she tried to engage the interest of the local professor, Douglas. The author did a great job of weaving elements of humor into the scenes in the book with ease. I laughed at Cory and sympathized with her passionate, loving nature.

What I didn’t like…

I never really became vested in Tyler. He just seemed too hung up on his past. It was mentioned several times, and I really just wanted to scream at him to get over it. It really wasn’t that bad. He just seemed sort of whiny and weak to me.

In my opinion the author took way too much time and space with the details of Cory’s family. There were several sisters, parents, a grandfather, and even cousins. I couldn’t keep them straight, and it really caused me to lose interest in the story. The part of the story that was supposed to be suspenseful because a slave family was being liberated became tedious and boring.

There were so many twists and turns with extreme detail that it made the book seem unrealistic. I don’t know why the author felt the need to add history to the body of water they used to throw off the slave hunters. I spent much of my time shaking my head and going back to make sure that I was still following the storyline. By the end of the book I lost focus on reuniting the slave family and making sure that Cory and Tyler had a happy ending.

I really wanted to love this historical romance with a subplot that featured slavery. However, I just felt like I was on information overload for most of the book.

Reviewed by Michelle for Cocktails and Books

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  • 3 January, 2015: Reviewed